Dr. Daniela Palombo
Research Excellence
In recognition of their outstanding research and scholarly contributions, Dr. Andrew Baron and Dr. Amori Mikami each earned a 2018 UBC Killam Research Prize.
Dr. Anita DeLongis and Dr. Kiran Soma are members of a new research cluster at UBC, the Social Exposome Cluster. This collaborative, cross-discipline research partnership will study how children’s health and development are impacted by their social, physical, and psychological exposures.
Dr. Eric Eich was named a Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). The lifetime honour of being an elected AAAS Fellow is in recognition of Dr. Eich’s extraordinary achievements in advancing psychological science.
Dr. Paul Hewitt was awarded the Canadian Psychological Association’s Donald O. Hebb Award in recognition of his outstanding contributions to Canadian psychology.
Dr. Daniela Palombo was named a 2018 Rising Star by the Association for Psychological Science (APS). The APS Rising Star designation is presented to outstanding psychological scientists in the earliest stages of their post-PhD research careers.
Dr. Toni Schmader was honoured with the 2018 Daniel M. Wegner Theoretical Innovation Prize from the Society for Personality and Social Psychology. Dr. Schmader and her co-author Constantine Sedikides, received the award for their paper State authenticity as fit to environment: The implications of social identity for fit, authenticity and self-segregation, a conceptual framework for understanding how social identities motivate the situations that people approach or avoid.
Dr. Nancy Sin received the Springer Early Career Achievement Award in Research on Adult Development and Aging from Division 20 of the American Psychological Association.
Dr. Janet Werker received the 2018 Killam Prize in Social Sciences, one of Canada’s most prestigious awards for academic-career achievement. Dr. Werker was also named a 2019 William James Fellow by the Association for Psychological Science.
Dr. Werker discusses her research in a video by Canada Council for the Arts.